About Us

We are a leading IT agency specializing in digital solutions, marketing, and brand growth. Our mission is to drive innovation and success for businesses worldwide.

We Create Impactful Digital Brand Experiences

We build powerful digital experiences that enhance your brand and product presence. Let us bring your vision to life with innovative marketing solutions.

We Create Impactful Digital Brand Experiences

We build powerful digital experiences that enhance your brand and product presence. Let us bring your vision to life with innovative marketing solutions.



Our Vision & Mission

Our Vison

To be a trusted leader in the tech industry, celebrated for innovative services and a client-focused approach

Our Mission

BTech is dedicated to empowering businesses through advanced technology solutions, ensuring growth, security, and seamless operations.

Nauman Khan Azeemi

Founder B Tech Group

Meet Our Founder

Nauman Khan Azeemi is a distinguished Pakistani American author, technopreneur, and transformational coach based in Chicago. He is the only Pakistani certified by renowned global leadership experts, including John C. Maxwell, Jack Canfield, Les Brown, and Khawaja Shamsuddin Azeemi. He also owns a sports management organization, organizing tournaments from local to international levels. His mission is to empower individuals to unlock their full potential and lead meaningful lives.

Clients We Worked With

We are proud tto present the clients we worked with

Have a project in mind? Let's talk now.

Have an idea? Let’s turn it into reality with expert solutions. Connect with us today!